
Sunday, October 13, 2019

NEW Posture Trainer and Corrector for Back Upright GO

NEW Posture Trainer and Corrector for Back

Boost Your Health: Meet UPRIGHT GO 2 the simplest, fastest and most natural way to improve your posture in just 2 weeks. Healthy upright posture strengthens back and core muscles, stimulates better blood flow and promotes overall well-being.
Stay Connected: Download the UPRIGHT GO app for iOS and Android and sync your device with your phone to start your daily training sessions and tracking your progress.
Perfect Your Posture: You can easily create custom training programs with the UPRIGHT GO 2. In training mode your device will gently vibrate whenever you slouch. You can adjust the sensitivity, training time and vibration intensity in the UPRIGHT App.
Track Your Progress: Tracking mode turns off vibration alerts and keeps accurate stats on your posture throughout the day using enhanced, multi-sensor technology.
Create Lifelong Habits: Develop a daily practice of posture awareness and correction. Most of our users notice significant improvement within just 2 weeks of using the UPRIGHT GO 2. Discover what good posture feels like.

Product description

Designed for all-day wear, UPRIGHT GO 2 is an inexpensive solution that fits with any lifestyle to correct and prevent poor posture. It is a slim, elegant design that easily attaches to your upper back for a discreet and comfortable fit. Equipped with multi-sensor technology, UPRIGHT GO 2 detects your body’s movements, upper body position, and other postural nuances. It emits a gentle vibration whenever you slouch, training your body to sit or stand with correct upright posture. The companion app provides progress stats, personal training programs, tracking modes to record posture data and access to a responsive in-app customer care team.

Customer reviews:

Kennedy D.
5.0 out of 5 starsA Must If You Have Bad Posture!

Upright go 2 works magic and miracles. Since I was 12 years old I’ve been slouching. At 21 I even went to physical therapy with no avail. I’ve improved my posture through working out but it’s far from perfect and as I get older my back has been starting to me. I went to a doctor at a health fair that was giving free ultrasounds to scan joints and she said I had a major muscle imbalance and the muscle tissues in my back were very dense. I started getting traditional Thai massages to start breaking away those hard knots and although it helped me improve mobility and pain it’s still there. My massage therapist who I befriended told me she feels improvement but I need to start trying to be more mindful of my posture. I saw an ad for this device pop up on Amazon and I decided to give it a try. I’ve had it for a week now and my posture is already improvement. I’ve been wearing it going everywhere and I realize that with better posture strangers have been randomly communicated with me asking me about what I do for a living. It’s kind of funny but I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Although my back is still sore I feel improvement. As I’m standing/sitting straight longer I’m feeling muscles in my back I haven’t felt for years. I keep it on most of the day! I’m going to get another Thai massage in 2 weeks from now to see how the combination will work. I’ll keep you all updated but so far i highly recommend this product!

Rather than getting a Thai massage I spent 20.00 less on a back pod which has been a life-changing combination. The upright 2 will help train you to walk upright but some of you with the more serious hunch will need a way to loosen your muscles enough to really stand straight. Especially if you're over 30 it’s a painful process. I still have pain but my back strengthened enough where it isn’t as bad as normal. A trick that I find helpful is I use the back pod for 10 minutes, I breathe as deep as possible as it stretches my spine. Then I use the upright, stand as straight as possible and walk for 2 minutes doing my best to engage my core. So far it’s helped a lot of friends and family recognizes I’m straight. Actually, a friend of mine thought I got taller. Anyway, give it a try this thing changed my life for the better but if you were hunching 10+ years you better be prepared to suffer to get better!

5.0 out of 5 starsLife-changing!

This device has been life-changing for me! I am in good shape but after 10 years of sitting at a desk 10+ hours a day my posture had deteriorated to a point where it was causing me a lot of pain, discomfort, and embarrassment. It had become second nature for me to always slouch and I had zero awareness of when I slouched except when I would see a picture of myself. Bad posture isn’t always due to a lack of strength and physicality but a lack of awareness. For me, it was a bad habit formed over many years. This device truly helped me to kick my bad posture habit. I keep this device in training mode all day because it reminds me of a little vibration to straighten up every time I slouch. This is exactly what I needed! The first day I wore this device I was surprised to learn how often I was slouching and I admit it was really hard to maintain good posture all day. With time it has become easier and I am now more self-aware. I am proud to say my posture has significantly improved with this device. The app is super cool and intuitive - this is just a well thought out product. Here is some advice...the sticky pad on the back is just O.K. However, I simply add a small piece of medical tape (medical tape is strong) over the device and tape it to my back and it stays in place all day. Problem solved. This device is fantastic, I highly recommend it.   

Chihuahua mama
5.0 out of 5 starsA GAME CHANGER!!! Worth it 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

I have had horrible posture my whole life and my husband prods me constantly to Stand up straight
After having 3 cervical spine surgeries and being somewhat immobile and not really able (or willing) to work out
So I purchased this in the hopes that it may help
I got it and immediately put it on and it ACTUALLY WORKS!! I love that it lets me know when I’m slouching and it waits a few seconds prior to buzzing in the event I’m actually bending over for a specific purpose
You can choose the strength and type of vibration so you don’t get “used to it” and ignore it
It very small and so far sticks quite well
I only just got it recently so may update later on
All I know is that I’d pay $99 many times over for a strong and healthy posture
It’s definitely cheaper than back surgery!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Elan Gil Sigal
5.0 out of 5 starsThe best investment I've ever made for my back

As someone who spends a lot of time on their laptop and phone, I’ve developed a slouch that would make Quasimodo jealous! A friend recommended I try Upright, so I thought I’d give it a go. The device is tiny and attaches comfortably to your upper back using reusable sticky pads (I was able to get six days’ use from a single pad). The GO 2 pairs easily with the Upright app and I was training my back within minutes. I love the little animated guy that shows me if I’m slouching and the real-time stats are useful for tracking my progress. I’ve only been using the device for a little over two weeks, but I’m already seeing and feeling the benefits; I’m walking a little taller and have even had a few compliments on my posture. I was skeptical that such a small device could make such a big difference so fast, but the GO 2 has more than delivered on its promise.

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